World`s most radioactive

BSR contamination Maps fr scientific papers:

See the PDF materials on the sides of the page:

1) In the For Print window open “Baltic Sea is Radioactive“, it is a printer friendly version.

2) There is even an 11 page document “Torium, Uranium, Cesium map, SWEDEN” revealing the radioanuclide situation on the geographical surface of Sweden as well as Swedish coastal areas of the Baltic Sea.

3) As well as click on the colourfull picture of the Anti-Nuclear Magasine, 12 pages. You may translate the magasine into Your native language and publish it in Your country. We will gladly provide You with the original to replace texts with the translated ones.


“The levels of anthropogenic radionuclides are higher in the Baltic Sea than in other water bodies around the world. Compared to the North East Atlantic and the North Sea, the concentrations of caesium-137 in the Baltic Sea are 40 and 10 times higher, respectively. “

”TOWARDS A BALTIC SEA UNAFFECTED BY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES -HELSINKI COMMISSION Overview 2007” Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – to the Ministerial Meeting in Poland, 15 November 2007, page 17