Costs & Invest
Investors in Nuclea Weapons
Costs, risks, and myths of nuclear power
Costs, risks, and myths of nuclear power: NGO world-wide study on the implications of the catastrophe at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station
Swedish finance expert Åke Sundström on Nuclear Economy Illusions:
Read the summary of his speach on:Åke-FINAL.pdf
Pr. Georgij Lepin: atomic energy is 7 times more expensive
Professor Georgij Fjodorovich Lepin (Belarus) talks on the subjects of the costs and dangers of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). In Rusian, professional translation to English.
See the PP in russian:
Nuclear Banks
The 26th of May 2010 saw “the launch of the website, a joint venture between BankTrack, Greenpeace International, Urgewald (Germany), Les Amis de la Terre (France), Antiatom Szene (Austria), WISE (the Netherlands) and CRBM (Italy).
Banks around the world love to boast about their investments in green technologies and renewable energy. What they don’t like to boast about is their involvement with the dirty and dangerous business of nuclear power.
Nuclear power can’t help in the fight against climate change. It isn’t safe, it isn’t clean, it isn’t reliable.
And it isn’t cheap. There’s one thing nuclear power needs more of than anything else. Money. Lots and lots of money. Our money. Our savings and our deposits.
Who gives the nuclear industry the billions of dollars and euros of our money to build new reactors, block renewable energy, contaminate the environment and create highly dangerous waste that will be with the human race for hundred of thousands of years to come? The banks do.
This is the secret they don’t want you to know. This is the secret the website will tell you.
The banks have handed hundreds of billions of euros to the nuclear industry since 2000. We have identified transactions worth 200 billion, and this is only a part of the whole picture. And they’re not finished yet. With the industry planning to build dozens of new reactors, the banks risk pouring yet more of our billions into this dirty and dangerous black hole.
Banktrack is a coalition of citizen organisations whose research campaign is tracking down those financial institutions bankrolling the nuclear industry.
The website will tell you all you need to know about the nuclear industry’s players, their plans and plots. It will reveal the nuclear renaissance’s dirty deals and dodgy deeds. Find out about the nuclear banks, companies and projects. Join the campaign and take action.
Let’s send the message to the banks: Nuclear Deals – No Thanks! ”