WANO members operate about 440 nuclear units in more than 30 countries or geographic regions around the world.

Quote: The World Association of Nuclear Operators unites every company and country in the world with an operating commercial nuclear power plant to achieve the highest possible standards of nuclear safety.

WANO membership is voluntary and members must affiliate with at least one or more of WANO’s regional centres. Affiliation with multiple regional centres is allowed.

Atlanta Centre

Ameren UE
American Electric Power Company
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Bruce Power                                                                 
Centrala Nuclearelectrica
China Power Investment Corp.
Comision Federal de Electricidad
Constellation Energy Group, Inc.
DTE Energy Company
Duke Energy Corporation
Eletrobras Termonuclear S/A Eletronuclear S/A (*also affiliated with Paris Centre)
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (*also affiliated with Toyko Centre)
Energy Northwest
Entergy Nuclear
Exelon Corporation
FirstEnergy Corporation
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
Nebraska Public Power District
New Brunswick Power
NextEra Energy
Omaha Public Power District
Ontario Power Generation
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) (*also affiliated with Tokyo Centre)
PG&E Corporation
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
PPL Susquehanna
Progress Energy Inc.
Public Service Enterprise Group
SCANA Corporation
Southern California Edison Company
Southern Nuclear Operating Company
STP Nuclear Operating Company
Tennessee Valley Authority
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Company
Xcel Energy Inc.

Moscow Centre

Armenian NPP
CEZ, a.s.
Concern Rosenergoatom
Fortum Power and Heat Oy
FSUE Atomflot
Ignalina NPP
Kozloduy NPP
NNEGC Energoatom
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (*also affiliated with Tokyo Centre)
Nuclear Power Production and Development Company of Iran
Paks NPP Ltd.
Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Tianwan NPP

Paris Centre

Asociacion Nuclear Asco-Vandellos II (ANAV)
British Energy
CC.NN. Almaraz-Trillo
China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co, Ltd. (CGNPC)
E.ON Kernkraft GmbH
Electricité de France (EDF)
Eletrobras Termonuclear S/A Eletronuclear S/A (*also affiliated with Atlanta Centre)
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK)
Gas Natural, sdg
Iberdrola Generacion
Magnox North Ltd.
Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA (NASA)
Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško (NEK)
RWE Power AG
SAN.V. Elektriciteits – Produktiemaatschappij Zuid – Nederland (NV EPZ)
Sellafield Limited
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB)
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO)
Vattenfall AB, BG Pan Europe

Tokyo Centre

China National Nuclear Corp. (CNNC)
Chubu Electric Power Company
Chugoku Electric Power Company
Electric Power Development Co., Ltd
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (*also affiliated with Atlanta Centre)
Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Company
Hokkaido Electric Power Company
Hokuriku Electric Power Company
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Japan Atomic Power Company
Japan Nuclear Technology Institute (JANTI)
Japanese Nuclear Operators (JNO)
Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.
Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (*also affiliated with Moscow Centre)
Nuclear Power Qinshan JVC
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) (*also affiliated with Atlanta Centre)
Qinshan Nuclear Power Company
Sanmen Nuclear Power Company
Shikoku Electric Power Company
Taiwan Power Company
Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Co.
Tohoku Electric Power Company
Tokyo Electric Power Company

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