Japan etc.
Today is 1st Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Tragedy.
Currently 52 of 54 Japanese reactors are shut down and on the main island Honshu only a single unit remains in operation. Attempts to restart reactors encounter fierce opposition by local authorities and citizens. A nationwide campaign to abandon nuclear power has collected five million signatures and over 10,000 people attended a “Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World” in Yokohama in January 2012, followed by an additional 100,000 via live streaming on the internet.
The impact of the disaster in Japan on global nuclear industry statistics is significant, the nuclear renaissance is terminated.
NEW BOOK. Fukushima and Health: What to Expect.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, Lesvos, Greece, May 5th/6th 2009.
Edited by: Christopher Busby, Joseph Busby, Ditta Rietuma and Mireille de Messieres
ISBN 978-1-897761-17-5 See the book teaser by Pr Chris Busby
Order the book on
Fukushima 1 year aniversary video stories
Fukushima children are having heart attacks
European Committee on Radiation Risk
Non cancer effects at Fukushima following internal exposure
Chris Busby, 9th September 2011
“We have recently heard that children in the Fukushima contamination area have been suffering heart attacks. This is a predictable development and is a consequence of internal contamination of heart
muscle with Caesium-137 and other radionuclides. The effects were discovered by Yuri Bandashevsky in children in the higher contamination areas around Gomel.
Bandashevsky found cardiac pathologies correlated with whole body Caesium measurements carried out by the late Prof W Nesterenko. The clinical symptom is cardiac arrhythmia which precedes heart attacks. For this reason it is recommended that all children in the contamination zone (up to 100km or areas where contamination measured) are checked by ECG regularly so that appropriate treatment may be carried out… ”
Download: C. Busby Child Heart Attacks caesiumheart Fuku 6 m
Atomic Bomb Survivors Join Nuclear Opposition
Japanese government kills their own people around Fukushima and exports death technologies for profit
ECRR: The simple guide to the health consequences of drinking contaminated WATER or MILK in the USA and Europe
The risks associated with Fukusima iodine-131 contamination in Europe are no longer “negligible,” according to CRIIRAD, a French research body on radioactivity
Pr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York: Despite Japanese Gov’t Claims of Decreasing Radiation, Fukushima a “Ticking Time Bomb”
Pr Chris Busby on infertility risk around Fukushima, Japan, etc
Pr A.Yablokov and Pr C.Busby on Fukushima victim estimations
If Chernobyl’s Cesium Fallout were Presented the Fukushima way…
Demonstrations of protesters who demand possibility to leave Japan NOW!
Risk From Spent Nuclear Reactor Fuel Is Greater in U.S. Than in Japan, Study Says
By MATTHEW L. WALD. May 24, 2011
ECRR Report on radioactivity risk estimation for Fukusima, 30-03-2011:
ECRR radioactivity risk estimation Guide (in 5 min):
Predicts well risk for several types of Cancer, 600 – 1000 s of times (depending on atomic nr) higher than ICRP model advocated by IAEA. Still no modeling tool to predict infertility risk jet (see http://www.bsrrw.org/?page_id=778 )
ECRR radioactivity risk estimation practical guide
SOS. Several Nuclear Explosions in Japan!!!
Hundreds of tons of radioactive material may have been reliesed into the atmosphere in Japan since 11th of March. Here is a video of Reactor 3, with a pool of spent nuclear fuel above it, exploding on 14th of March.
Who manages H.A.A.R.P.?
Please Tell Japan to Stop Spreading Radiation by Signing The Letter at link Below. Sign and Circulate Petition link!
and if you can, please help us promote this letter.